Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Album Artwork Influences III

                            The third album artwork that had an impact on me after i saw it and made me think that something quite similar to this could work for our album artwork is the artwork of the album "Coco" by the Austrian artist "Parov Stelar". The similarity between him and our artist is that they enjoy making electronic, up-beat music by using classical instruments, trumpet for instance. This similarity then interpreted into the possibility of the similarity of the target audience. 

Parov Stelar's website

         From this artwork we can see the contrast between the flower, which can signifies beauty as well as timeless, and the quite brown-ish background, which can be interpreted as an old writing, drawing paper. This image, in my opinion can be seen as the representer of the beauty of old materials which can also be seen as timeless. This is relevant to our artist as Parov and our artist try to use classical music to mix with up-beat rhythm of modern world music. This then can be one of my influences in album artwork.

                                 An example of a song from the album Coco by Parov Stelar

1 comment:

  1. This proficient blogging, with some detail. You have posted your animatic well and provided a concise evaluation of the process. You need to add more detl to the evaluation of the animatic. This will help you visualise your final product . I hope you understand how both the storyboard and the animatic can help you organise your shoot day. You have also blogged reflection on the set design, but your prop list needs to be reblogged this looks illogical. After half term you will be getting ready for the shoot – so please make sure you are!
    The blogging of your research into the CD covers and websites is proficient – you have chosen a good range of images for your inspiration and have attempted to state what they share in common and what influences you take from them. Please complete this as soon as possible. This is good complete work that you were expected to achieve, well done.
