In the prelim task I worked as the
continuity man, which I have to make sure that every movements that the actors
do in each take are the same. I did enjoyed working with the
actors and the crew. One of the reason I enjoyed working with them probably
because I’ve never done this before, so in a way, this is the whole new
experience to me. In the process of making a film which require working with
other people helps develop the team-work skill and also leading skill in this
process we have to learnt to respect other people opinion. Even though, we had
a lot of fun working as a group, we still have some different opinions about
some shots, which we couldn’t find an agreement this takes a lot of time for us
to come up with the sensible agreement this is the only problem we had and what
I like least. Considered by the fact that, our group has 3 people while other
groups have 4 people, this makes us feel like we have to contribute more than
others which in a way it’s quite a motivation for us to give it the best.
Looking at the result I think we did fairly well, however if I have a chance.
In term of lighting, I would make the room a little darker so that it looks
more mysterious. The location that we used is in the studio, and the setting
was the living room in the house.
While we were filming over the shoulder shots
we found a slight problem, which is, there was a reflection of the cameraman at
the window behind the other actor so we moved the camera back and choose to
zoom in instead of put the camera close to the actor. We also put an additional
shot into the sequence, which is the shot of the spray hit, the ground. We choose
to use this shot to represent the fact that the character that got handed the
spray has lost his opportunities to do what he was asked to do.
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